Team Building

Customer Service Development

Employee Selection

Employee Development

Sales Team Development

Employee Selection

Reasons to use pre-employment assessments

  • Two of three new hires will disappoint in the first year
  • Two of three employees would rather work somewhere else
  • Ninety-five of 100 applicants will "exaggerate" to get a job
  • Most hiring decisions are made in haste - during the first five minutes of an interview
  • One of three businesses will be sued this year over an employment issue
  • Turnover costs thousands of dollars for every departing employee
  • Eighty percent of employee turnover is avoidable



You want employees who are dependable
In 1998, absenteeism cost employers $757 per employee, according to a report in USA TODAY. This was the direct cost reported by a survey of human resource professionals and does not include the cost of hiring others or paying overtime to perform the work of absent employees.


You can be held liable for employees' behavior on and off the job
You must know the nature of the people you hire because their criminal behavior could cost your business millions of dollars. Every time you hire without practicing due diligence, you may be accepting liability for their actions - even when they are "off the clock."


You can be sued for illegal discrimination
In the absence of objective data, how can you demonstrate a hiring/promotion decision was made objectively, without discrimination because of gender, race, religion, etc.


Résumé writers write great fiction
In a survey of recent college graduates, 95% said they would be willing to make a false statement in their résumés in order to get a job. Forty-one percent admitted they had already done so, according to a report in Nation's Business (May, 1999).


The use of assessments has become essential to employers who

  • want to put the right people into jobs;
  • provide employees with effective training;
  • help their managers to become more effective; and
  • promote people into positions where they will succeed.

The use of assessments has resulted in extraordinary increases in productivity while reducing employee relations problems, employee turnover, stress, tension, conflict and overall human resources expenses. A few of the assessments that we use include...


The Profile XT is a "Total Person" assessment for selection, job matching, training, promotion, managing and succession planning. It is a powerful and dynamic management tool.


The Step One Survey is the tool employers use to hire people who are honest, reliable, drug-free, and hard working. Protect your assets. Make Step One the first step in your hiring process.


The Profiles Sales Indicator identifies people with the attributes for success in sales by measuring competiveness, persistence, energy, and sales drive. This tool builds more productive sales teams that break goals while gaining market share and profits.

For more information on how to integrate pre-employment assessments into your hiring system, please contact Betsey Macholz, (704)904-5748 or